The works of Josep Maria Barnadas in catalan cemeteries

The works of Josep Maria Barnadas in catalan cemeteries: the rise of funerary sculpture in Modernism

by Xavier Soler Avila 
Art Historian

Josep Maria Barnadas i Mestres, Hypogeum of the family Parellada, South-West cemetery of Barcelona (1897)

Josep Maria Barnadas i Mestres (1867-1939) carried out several works for some of the main catalonian cemeteries during his first years as a professional sculptor, specialization in which will continue on early 20th century, when he will offer its best works in this and other sculptural fields. More than with other artistic works such as forging, ceramics or glass, the ornamental sculpture continued to play a main role in funerary architectonic design -in the same way that had all along the 19th century- to which neither sculptors such as the brothers Vallmitjana, Blay, Arnau, Llimona, Clarasó, Reynés, Atché, etc. would resign, and who with their works contributed to convert cemeteries such as Montjuïc or Lloret de Mar, in an exceptional artistic groups.


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