El Gravat Popular [a Catalunya (c. 1880-1910)]

SOLER ÀVILA, Xavier, El Gravat Popular, dins el Modernisme (vol. 5, en paral·lel al modernisme), p. 165-188 (Barcelona: L'Isard, 2004)



The catalan popular engraving that goes from 1880 to 1910 approximately, evolves from forms and contents characteristic of previous times towards a greater realism, driving subjects and representations closer to the new needs of the masses consume. This was possible too with the consolidation and expansion of new modern printing techniques such as xylography on forehead, lithography and other photomechanic variants. It is intended to establish with these lines a certain autonomous evolution of its forms and contents in relation to the vanguard trends of those years, that is, to analyze the production of popular engraving that, coinciding chronologically with the catalan Modernism, did not participate in it, taking its own parallel evolution, in literary forms and styles or artistic conceptions, preceding Modernism itself. Only in the last years of the nineteenth century, in the midst of the effervescence of Modernism, we can see a certain change of course in its aesthetic invariantness.


Entrades populars