La Colla del Safrà i les seves derivacions
La Colla del Safrà i les seves derivacions
Work on the emerging Barcelona painters of the postmodernist generation of the last decade of the XIXth century, grouped under the name -accepted by the art critic from Raimon Casellas to the present- of La Colla del Safrà (Joaquim Mir, Ramon Pichot, Isidre Nonell, Ricard Canals, Juli Vallmitjana, Adrià Gual and Joaquim Sunyer), in reference to the insane yellow colouring (saffron) that ruled most of their paintings. Their preferred subjects during those early years of his career were the suburban views of a Barcelona in transformation and expansion, showing the duality of a city in urban growth that was being debated between the rural area that surrounded it, and the industry that coexisted with its around. However, their particular aesthetic derivations and their influence on other later currents were crucial in the evolution of catalan painting of the early XXth century, foreshadowing some aspects of the european pictorial avant-garde.
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